Full Energy band Diagram
In the earlier blogs we have seen how fermi energy level shifts in case of intrinsic, extrinsic semiconductor as well as how it acts when we add doping impurity to it. Now we will see how actually band bending takes place in case of metals, oxides and semiconductors. EI = Vacuum energy level Ec= Conduction band energy Efp = Fermi energy level of mos Ev = Valence band energy Φm = Work function of metal Xs = Electron affinity Eg = band gap energy In the full energy band diagram of MOS , the most important point to be noticed are: Continuity Stability The vacuum energy level or EI should be continuous for the complete device. The reason behind this can be explained in the figure below If the band is not continuous and some electron is present just above the vacuum level of metal , it might travel into the oxides conduction band which will disrupt the charge present in oxide. For stability it is must that the fermi energy level is co...